Harbor Fest | October 17, 2020

Harbor Fest is October 17 and features a fun-filled day of activities, including a Pie Baking Contest, Home Run Derby, Volleyball, Pet Costumes, Silent Auction, Cornhole, and Children’s games.  The Harbor will host the event at Hopewell Township Park at 218 Shippensburg Road, Newburg.

Harbor Fest is supporting The Harbor on West King Street in Shippensburg. It is a sober bar, church, and a recovery house. 

Registration for Harbor Fest is $20 and will include a T-shirt and entry to one event. Registering for more than one event will be an additional $5 per event. If you want to register for a shirt, but not participate in any activities, you can do so for $15.

Here is a summary of the day’s events and activities!


The Pie Baking Contest will have three categories (apple, pumpkin, and open) and two age groups (adult and 14 and under). Judging will be at 11 AM.


Wear your Halloween costume and walk or run a 5K. Note, this is not an officially timed race. You can check-in, and run your race between 9 AM-noon.


Home runs will be hits beyond 300 ft. Batters will have two rounds of 10 outs to hit as many home runs as possible. 


Put your pet in a costume and have them join the pet parade. Categories for the pet parade are: Most fierce, Most original, funniest, most adorable.


All Volleyball registrations must be made before the event. You must register individually, but have a team together already. Volleyball Rules include teams of up to 8 players (2 subs), Double elimination bracket unless we have eight teams or more, then it will be single elimination, Rally scoring best out of 3, and Coed, women, or men. (no requirements for # per team)


All Cornhole registrations must be made before the event. You must register individually, but already have a team of 2 ahead of time. Cornhole Rules: Standard ACL Rules

Registration is open now at www.theharborbar.org/harborfest.

Find more events on our Calendar HERE.

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